A full overview of all publications can be found here.
- Berkhout, J., M. Hanegraaff, and P. Statsch. (2019) Explaining the patterns of contacts between interest groups and political parties: Revising the standard model for populist times. Party Politics DOI: 10.1177/1354068819856608.
- Novak, M. and D. Fink-Hafner (2019) Slovenia: Interest group developments in a postsocialist‐liberal democracy. Journal of Public Affairs 19(2): 1-13.
- Novak, M. and D. Fink-Hafner (2019) Slovenia. Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe. E. More-Hollerweger, F.-E. Bogorin, J. Litofcenko, and M. Meyer. Vienna, Erste Foundation: 153-162.
- Hanegraaff, M. and A. Poletti (2019) Public opinion and interest groups’ concerns for organizational survival. European Political Science Review 11(2): 125-143.
- Hanegraaff, M. and A. Pritoni (2019) United in fear: Interest group coalition formation as a weapon of the weak? European Union Politics 20(2): 198-218.
- Hanegraaff, M., J. van der Ploeg, and J. Berkhout (2019) Standing in a Crowded Room: Exploring the Relation between Interest Group System Density and Access to Policymakers. Political Research Quarterly DOI: 10.1177/1065912919865938.
- Heylen, F. and E. Willems (2019) Writing blank checks? How government funding affects interest organisations’ advocacy behaviour in a multi-layered context. Journal of European Public Policy 26(6): 863-882.